Customize the Controls colors of scheme 2 of the checkout design system. Scheme 2 refers to the area that encompasses the checkout order summary. 

Control Background ColorSet the input fields’ background color for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Control Accent ColorDefine the input fields’ accent color (links and focused states) for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Control Border ColorDefine the input fields’ border color for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Control Decorative ColorDefine the decorative color (highlighting parts of the user interface) for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Control Icon ColorDefine the input fields’ icon color for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Control Text ColorDefine the input fields’ text color for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Selected Control Background ColorSet the input fields’ background color for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Selected Control Accent ColorDefine the input fields’accent color (links and focused states) for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Selected Control Border ColorDefine the input fields’ border color for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Selected Control Decorative ColorDefine the decorative color (highlighting parts of the user interface) for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Selected Control Icon ColorDefine the input fields’icon color for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).
Selected Control Text ColorDefine the input fields’ text color for scheme 2 (should be 6 digits hexcode e.g: #000000).


 Set Scheme 2 Control Background color


Set Scheme 2 Control Accent color


Set Scheme 2 Control Border color


Set Scheme 2 Control Background color

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